
What’s the Plural of  Syllabus? Syllabusesor Syllabi?

Cora Lee

Understanding the plural of syllabus is essential for anyone involved in academia, whether you’re a student, educator, or administrator. Many people frequently ...

what is the Past Tense of Meet

what is the Past Tense of Meet: Picking the Right Verb

Jack David

Ever found yourself tongue-tied when talking about a past encounter? You’re not alone. The past tense of meet often trips ...

What is the past tense of swing? Is it swing, swang or swung?

Jack David

Ever found yourself in a pickle, wondering about the past tense of swing? You’re not alone. It’s a common head-scratcher ...

Pre-Existing or Preexisting

Pre Existing or Preexisting: Which One is Correct?

Lily Suzi

In the world of English language, few things spark as much debate as the use of hyphens. One particularly perplexing ...


Traveler or Traveller: Which Spelling is Right?

Brad Hook

Ever found yourself scratching your head over whether to write “traveler” or “traveller”? You’re not alone. This spelling debate has ...

See, Saw, Seen

What is the Past Tense of See and its Past Participle?

Jack David

Have you ever scratched your head over whether to use “saw” or “seen” in a sentence? You’re not alone. The ...

Oxen vs Foxes

What Are the Plurals of ‘Ox’ and ‘Fox’?

Cora Lee

Have you ever scratched your head wondering why we say “oxen” instead of “oxes,” but “foxes” instead of “foxen”? You’re ...

Connector or Connecter: What’s the Correct Spelling?

Brad Hook

Ever found yourself second-guessing the correct spelling of a word you’ve used countless times? You’re not alone. One such word ...

Mouses vs Mice

Mouses or Mice: What’s the Correct Plural of Mouse?

Cora Lee

Ever found yourself scratching your head over whether to say “mouses” or “mice” when talking about more than one mouse? ...

Iris Plurals

What’s the Plural of Iris? Explanation with Examples

Cora Lee

Ever found yourself stumped by the plural of iris? You’re not alone. This seemingly simple word can tie even seasoned ...