Tense Talk

Explore the intricacies of English verb tenses. Learn how to accurately express time and action in your writing and speech.

what is the Past Tense of Meet

what is the Past Tense of Meet: Picking the Right Verb

Brad Hook

Ever found yourself tongue-tied when talking about a past encounter? You’re not alone. The past tense of meet often trips ...

What is the past tense of swing? Is it swing, swang or swung?

Brad Hook

Ever found yourself in a pickle, wondering about the past tense of swing? You’re not alone. It’s a common head-scratcher ...

See, Saw, Seen

What is the Past Tense of See and its Past Participle?

Brad Hook

Have you ever scratched your head over whether to use “saw” or “seen” in a sentence? You’re not alone. The ...